Friday, January 3, 2014

Week: 27 Lady Gaga Case study

In your own words and using referenced quotes explain why strategy theories developed in the last 10 years tend to be quite different from those developed in the 1960’s.

Classical Approach to Strategy (1960):                                                                                                                                                       
The classical view  of strategy in which the globe is a firm hierarchy having a single general who helps in making decisions is related on the military practice. An intellectual inheritance of economics helps to balance the military model. Von Neumann & Morgenstern (1944 in Whittington 1993) placed this remarkable figure right at the heart of their idea of strategy as a complicated ‘game’ of move and counter-move, bluff and counter-bluff, among competing yet co-dependent businesses. With Smith’s view that ‘each individual is constant exerting himself to find out the most beneficial employment of whatever capital he can command’, the vision of individuals in tandem  has created a label of the manager who pays attention on maximizing return on investment. This strategy has brought vast confidence in the skill of managers for adopting profit maximizing strategies throughout coherent long-term planning.  Particularly as his books offers an advice on attain ‘above average industry profits’ , the classical mould has been easily located by the porters.
Processual Approaches to Strategy (1970) :
The firm which nominates organizations as association of individuals, each of whom transports their own personal objectives and cognitive unfairness to the organization is known as a processual examination  of the firm. For the scholars like Richard Cyert, James March and Herbert Simon, strategy is a continuing process of negotiation as rational economic man is a fiction and people are only ‘bounded rational’. Self-conscious messages from the environment which ultimately forces them on the manager’s concentration has become the slow adjusting of schedule due to the limitations strategy on which processual scholars have been quarrelling. Strategies does not only mean to design and pursue action but it also means to make intelligence of the chaos of the globe. Therefore, strategies are oftenly ‘emergent’ , their logic has grown through action and supposed in retrospect, as successive little steps eventually combine into a pattern (Hartfield & Hamilton, 1997a).
Evolutionary Approaches to Strategy (1980) :
It seems that companies are not being occupied with the ‘ideal of economic man’. Not only do managers not succeed to locate output at the supposedly profit-maximizing stage where marginal costs exactly the same marginal revenue, however most managers lack idea what their marginal cost and revenue curves are! (Hall & Hitch 1939 in Whittington 1993) Enter the experts! The economists who are familiar to this business ‘stupidity’ by charter ‘the markets’ do the ‘thinking’. Within a particular atmosphere, ‘markets’ not managers select the existing strategies through this view of the globe. According to  the strategists who remain to the evolutionary analysis of competition, survivors may appear to be the one who have been modifying themselves to the surroundings ( Williamson, 1991). The most successful figure of ‘weeding out inefficiency’ or lack of adaptation is competition. So, to guarantee healthy industries easy entry into market is the technique.
Systemic Perspectives on Strategy (1990):
The economic action cannot be placed in a divide sphere of impersonal financial calculation as of our social embeddedness, has been argued by Granovetter (1985). Network of social relations; the state, professions, families helps in fixing the economic performances. Identifying suitable and reasonable behavior for their member, both the means and the ends of action are controlled by  these networks. So, personal histories that comprise gender, family position, educational background, religion ethnicity all outline economic activity. As per the suggestion of this social constructivist analysis, the model which leads strategy are not cognitive (Huff, 1990), but cultural. According to Gergen (1994), culture is defined as a sequence of social systems, effects and is precious by firms, industries and economies. Whittington (1993) has argued that even if there is increase in overseas trade and foreign investment, the custom of history and society still matters. It could be that the awfully notion of ‘strategy’ may be culturally particular to the situation in the United States in the 1950s and 60s.
The phrase of strategy is facilitated by the above quotes, and its meaning by the different strategists and how it has changed from past to present days. Remarkable change or development of strategy from 1960’s to present time is found. In present days, the mode or approach that we understand and interpret is much more different than in past 1960’s.there was stable political, legal and economic condition with less competition to compete in market at that time (1960’s). But the time is changing nowadays; and its totally different from what it was back in 1960’s. At present, the customer’s demand are increasing on their particular product or services so to offer best outcomes to them, the strategists need to be more innovative and flexible. 
There are differences between strategy theory developed in last ten years and those developed in 1960’s. These differences can be illustrated by the strategy theory responses which is enlisted as follows:
Rapid Adaptation:
At present, customer’s wants and desires along with technology are advancing one after another as compared to last decades. It is intelligent to clear that present date competitive advantage which cannot be attained by the means of positioning strategy or through unique resources. According to change in environment, sometimes it is very hard to use habitual or popular tools such as SWOT analysis since its difficult to understand and to examine the changing environment or market so, different companies are changing their strategy.

Option Theory:
Through examining the competitive rivalry which depends upon the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, availability of substitute goods and threat of new entrants, there is  no doubt that the porters five forces model helped us to identify the position of the firm. With respect to changing environment concept, perception of a business person, customers has been changed. Nowadays, company needs to take care of the environment as well as cope with changing environment surprisingly since it is observed that there is competition land from flexibility in the organization. Therefore, in order to make the firms a competitive advantage to the company, it needs to be more flexible and loyal than before to the customers.
Complexity Theory:
After observing the current strategy, it is clearly identified that everything can be unpredictable. Flexibility would be the key determinant for adapting the change.
For example-
                Emergent vs. Deliberate strategy.
Number 2. Module benefits:
1.   Since we have understood different analytical tools like MC Kinsey 7’s Model, SWOT, TOWS matrix, PESTEL, Change kaleidoscope, Force Field Analysis, Porters Five Forces Model and many others. So we have been able to understand the nature of business and its problems as well as to implement the best strategy tools which can handle different problems effectively and efficiently that relates to the organizations.
2. It is difficult to be a strategist, so in order to be one, it is essential to become familiar with interpersonal skills and the interactive skills- presentation skills, development of creativity and enhanced flexibility has been gained through this model. We have been able to see the real time scenarios with the help of this module, it has also helped us to understand the importance of strategies and their impacts in the business world.
3.  In nature, strategy related jobs are sophisticated. Recently, the importance, nature as well as the sense and demand of strategy changed rapidly in a positive direction whereas before it used to be a source for long term planning and decision making. As a result, the tool that helps us to construct the environmental surrounding, whole organization plus the firm that facilitates us to adjust the change in addition to become more flexible is strategy.
4.   It contains 30 credits for our total credit hours.
5. The module (definition, strategy formation, its implementations and various multi-purpose strategic approaches) has covered every aspect of strategy. Moreover, the future of strategy is clearly delivered through this module.

Gaga Case Study
Lady gaga has the ability to shock the people continuously. She has her own unique and artistic style in doing or saying anything. She is fresh, unique artist who can carry the artistic features in a very clever way, thus she has been so successful. She has given justice to everything she has done, whether its poker face with funk beats, clever lyrics or videos that are visually stunning or its paparazzi which had silvery metal suit, polka dotted horse wearing huge purple collar or a maid being hanged with her boyfriend being poisoned. She made it worth it for her worldwide fans by resembling sculpture than a fashion even when everything was large, bright and skimpy. (Jamie Anderson, 2013)Her videos, plots, pop-culture visuals as well as her brilliant dancing skills with many declaring that she has “revolutionized” all the music videos with her unique sense of portraying themes has made millions of people in awe.  She is very talented and has used her strategies by living on her own. In general, she has been so successful with the help of all current social networking sites and integration of that with her fashion which has made her an all-around entity. She is loved in this industry by more than 10 million Twitter with 30 million Facebook fans.
Some of her major and clever strategies are given as follows:
1.                   Music
It is a fact that her song always makes an impact on individuals even if it’s the first time you hear it and her songs are also very impressive. She is skilled in piano which is very difficult thing to master at and this has impressed some people.
2.                   Her fashion sense
She is one of the few celebrities who have got guts to carry off an unconventional fashion sense. She is the star who dealt with blood smeared performance and also has wore a ‘meat dress’.
3.                   Philanthropic activities
She has always been in various philanthropic activities. She has indulged herself in philanthropic activities as being an influential advocate of LGBT movement and to help in her activities, she holds concerts to help afflicted and needy people.
4.                   Controversies
She has been a controversial person so she has got her stardom form. She seems too get attention by paparazzi. Thus she has the capacity to turn it in favor of her star image.
5.                   Her love towards her fans
Like every artist, Lady Gaga is also made popular by her fans. But she sets apart from others because of her love for her fans. In order to show love for her fans, she has inscribed some words on a tattoo placed on the arm.
6.                   Her tweets
She is  very popular celebrity tweeters on Twitter. She usually tweets to promote her music, latest albums along with her personal life which has made her fans feel really close to her.
7.                   Earnings
In the list of Hollywood’s highest paid female celebrities, Forbes magazine ranked Gaga 4th. In the previous year, by way of 106 concerts, she has earned around $62 million. The songs written by her along with her production are all brilliantly contemporary which her turned her into a global superstar.
Visibility: Gaga is a famous pop star, whose first solo “the fame” made 10 million copies of sale and has been still growing. All over the world she has been well known for her extra ordinary talents.

Credibility: She is very talented and hardworking. In business aspect she is a real player whereas in real she is very passionate person with honest and straight forward nature. Thus she is determined person which has helped her in success factor.
Expertise: she is multi talented so technically she is an expert whether it’s piano or performances as well as has a very clever eye for impressing her audience.
Attractiveness: With her unique fashion sense or her catchy lyrics, she has been able to easily attract her audience. Thus her fan base is literally reflected by her attractiveness.
Power: She is a very powerful image in the music industry. She has shown her talent and expertise and also has sold albums which strengthened the industry in many ways.
Advices: If I was to advise her on her future strategy, the analysis I would take on is market analysis and the competitor analysis, also porter’s five forces model. Then to distinguish her from other I would use a Competitor analysis. At the end for Gaga’s  success  I would do an analysis of KSF. I would ask Gaga to keep up with her controversial image of hers. She should never question her bizarre impulses to walk the red carpet with her crazy and funky styles.

 Lady Gaga, 2014, [Accessed on january, 2014]
Hans Haferkamp and Neil J. Smelser (1992), ‘Social Change and Modernity’ Available at:  [Accessed on 6th Jan, 2014]
Jamie Anderson, J.R.a.M.K., 2013. London Business School. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5th Jan, 2014].
Johnson, M., April 15, 2013. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5th Jan, 2014].
M.Parker, j.H.&., 1993. Postmodernism and Organizations. London: Sage Publications.

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