Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WEEK 11: Group Video

The URL of our Group Video
Our video is based on NESTLE
Group members:
Amrita Gurung
Ashmita Gurung
Sunita Gurung
Dhurba Godar
Sandup Tsering Sherpa

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

WEEK: 10

1) In your own words and using referenced quotes describe what is meant in strategy by 'Organizational Purpose‘ and describe what is meant by 'Corporate Social Responsibility‘.

Organizational Purpose:
The fundamental reason for the organizational existence is defined by the organizational purpose. Every other decisions is guided by the organizational purpose.it helps to use the time, attention and resources in order to serve the niched market better than anyone else.It has no intention of earning immediate financial benefits but instead it promotes positive social and environmental change.

    Corporate Social Responsibility
    Corporate Social Responsibility is a business outlook that shows responsibilities to suppliers, stakeholders, customers and along with employees. Moreover looks at the locals and international communities as well in which it operates. It is also refereed to as "corporate citizenship"..It has no intention of earning immediate financial benefits but instead it promotes positive social and environmental change.

    2.Should organizations focus more on profit and shareholder satisfaction or responsibility and stakeholder satisfaction? Discuss your own thoughts but try to support your ideas with theory or examples.

    In my opinion, companies should focus on CSR, since its main aim is to earn profit. To do so company must take responsibilities toward its customers, employees and suppliers.if they are able to fulfill their needs, then the work it self will be efficient and effective and will be able to achieve the goal that is required and earn profit.There are lots of evidence that proves that a good social responsibility has resulted in increase of profits.
    For example: If a company is able to be socially responsible  to the customer along with the employees will be happy and eventually the satisfaction of all the parties will lead to maximum profit.

    3) Write about your experience with today's case study. What answers did you give to the questions? What did you think of the CEO?

    The case study was very interesting and beneficial. It talked about the Pepsico's strategic objectives and organizational purpose along with the social responsibilities.

     The CEO had an impressive strategy which had improved financial performance with enhanced bran image and reputation. IT even had increased sales and customer loyalty.They have easier access to capital and ability to attract the customers and retain customers as well.


    1. What are Pepsico's Strategic objectives? Why does this firm exist?

    • Pepsi is also pinning its hope on the launch across America on March 26th of Pepsi Next, a new soda sweetened with both high-fructose syrup and artificial sweeteners which has 60% less sugar than classic Pepsi.
    • Angelique Krembs of Pepsi says the new drink is aimed at consumers who are keen to imbibe less sugar with their cola but dislike the taste of diet drinks. She splits this mostly male group in two: "dualists", who switch between regular and diet (and sometimes mix the two), and "resistants", who never touch either.
    This firm exist because it provides a knowledge about what it desired and what is Possible.Since it focuses most on the customers satisfaction their product has been love by the customer and due to which this firm has been existing till date.

    2. What are the possible strengths and benefits of the strategy.

    The strengths and benefits of this kind of strategies are;
    • improved financial performance
    • enhanced brand image and reputation
    • increased sales and customer loyalty
    • increased ability to attract and retain customers
    • easier access to capital
    • comply with regulatory environment
    The weakness and disadvantage of this strategy:
    • it is an expense to the company, the main reasons any company would object to participating in CSR  is the associated costs.
    • shareholder expectation: when considering CSR is the possible negative perception of shareholders.
    • loss of focus.


    Baker, M. (2004, June 8). Retrieved may 1, 2013, from mallenbaker: http://www.mallenbaker.net/csr/definition.php

     Retrieved may 1, 2013, from worldacademyonline: http://worldacademyonline.com/article/34/475/defining_the_organization___s_purpose.html

    Thursday, May 2, 2013

    WEEK : 9

    1. In your own words and using referenced quotes describe what is meant in strategy by the ‘Resource-Based View’?

    It is the process by which a firm is viewed and the strategy is approached. A management device used to assess the available amount of a business strategic assets. The Resource-based view is based on the idea that the effective and efficient application of all useful resources that the company can muster helps determine its competitive advantage.This theory formulates the firm to be a bundle of resources.

    2. How might you undertake 'Internal Strategic Analysis' ? What models would you apply and why/ Where would you go to find the information you need?

    Internal Strategic Analysis plays an important role in an organization since its focus is on the strengths and weakness of the Internal factors that give them certain merits and demerits to meet the needs of its targeted market. 

    Different methods can be used to access the internal analysis of an organization, that are :

    • Resource-Based View
    • Value Chain Analysis
    • SWOT Analysis
    • TOWS Analysis
    • McKinsey 7 S model, etc
    If I were to analyse the internal environment of an organization. i would apply SWOT analysis because it is simple and effective for strategy development. It reliable with less cost and consumes less time as well. It is a useful technique to understand the strengths and weakness along with the opportunities and threats that an organization faces. It eventually helps in finding out the advantages and disadvantages of a company. It even finds out the need in which company can perform profitably.

    3) Talk about your group video work. How is it going so far ? do you have a plan? What are you most worried about at the moment ? what is going well?

    So, far all the research that needs to be done is completed and we are working on combining all the group members research together and make one project that can be presented. The research process went smoothly, since all the members of my group were cooperative and helpful. Moreover, everyone is working hard and is determined in presenting the project successfully. 


    Retrieved may 1, 2013, from Business dictionary: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/resource-based-view.html
    Johnson, Whittington and Scholes (2011) Exploring Strategy, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, Chapter 3

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    WEEK :8

    1. Make a list of competitors for Islington College

    Islington College a well known college which provides international degree to the BBA(Bachelors in Business Administration) and IT(International Technology) students existing in the branch located in Nepal. In the context of other college similar to Islington College that provides international degree with the similar course,some of the college are listed below.
    • Lord Buddha Education Foundation, Kathmandu.
    • Silver Mountain College
    • Malpi International College
    • Brisitsh College.

    2.  Develop a Porter’s 5 Forces Model for Islington College

    The Porter's 5 Forces Model is given

    • Rivalry among Existing Competitors:
    Since, there are other college's representing international degree like Islington College. There is obviously a competition among all these colleges.But due to the publicity and goodwill of Islington College it is at an advantage in attracting the students for better education in the current state. 

    • Potential of New Entrants
    There are many new college's being established with international degrees to provide. In order to be recognized the government must approve the college in terms of registry. So, until the new college's gets registered the recent college's doesn't get affected.

    • Buyer Power
    As in this case the students are the buyer of this college, who seeks for better knowledge and facilities. Therefore the buyer power is the increasing part through which the international college exist.

    • Supplier Power
    Supplier Power is the capacity to satisfy the Buyer needs.For instance in case of this college London Metropolitan is the supplier power of Islington college who has been providing services to the students here.

    • Potential of substitute
    Substitute means replacing or the available options. So, in the context of Islington college the substitute college are Lord Buddha College etc. So, in order to be not replaced there should be good service so that the students gets satisfied with the college.

    3.      To which strategic group might Islington College belong?
    Islington College refers to the specialization, cost position, price policy, service, etc group of strategies. Where Islington provides good knowledge to the students with satisfactory facilities and moreover the cost of this college is very high in compared to other colleges.